Thursday, June 05, 2008

Debunking the “International” Crisis Group (ICG)

Debunking the “International” Crisis Group (ICG)

Organizations such as the so-called “International Crisis Group (ICG)” that are neither fish nor flesh, issue decrees that invariably condemn, threaten or smear the Armenians or demand the immediate evacuation of the liberated territories. Initially the orders were churned out through the braying - with a raucous imperative pitch - of Alain Délétroz. Currently (2007-2008) Sabina Frazer or Sabine Freizer, inconsequentially married to a Turk, is the official bugle that quacks these anti-Armenian resolutions discharged by this irresponsible lot. Below some examples:

Smear: “Level of Destruction of the Occupied Azerbaijan Territories Considerably Above, Than We Saw on the Balkans” this masterpiece from “Azeri” sources is attributed to Sabina Frazer which exposes the crude double standards this good for nothing bunch of leeches utilize for their anti-Armenian propaganda.

Threat: Recently, in November 2007, ICG issued another prophesy in the row, the same Sabina Frazer said, “Armenian leaders also think that time works for them and de facto independence of Nagorno Karabakh will become a reality that can’t be neglected. However, the wait-and-see policy represents a menace. The year of 2012, when Azerbaijan’s oil income can reduce and the military adventure can seem a tempting way to distract popular attention from the economic crisis, promises to become the most dangerous year. Vital oil and gas pipeline stretching nearby Karabakh will be the first victims of the new war. This is a scenario Europe and the United States want to prevent”.

Condemnation and orders to Armenians: While Shahoomian and other occupied territories of Artsakh have been resettled by “Azeris” and all Armenian monuments have been destroyed, this nobody group of rascals is telling the Armenians, “3. The de facto Nagorno-Karabakh authorities should end support for settlement of formerly Azeri majority areas with Armenians, including by:

(a) stopping privatisation of land, homes and businesses in those areas;

(b) ceasing to establish local administrations and infrastructure in the occupied areas adjacent to Nagorno-Karabakh; and

(c) protecting the remaining Azeri homes.

4. Armenia should encourage the de facto Nagorno-Karabakh authorities to take a more conciliatory stance on resolution of the conflict”.

Sympathy and despair for the warmongers: from the same bride of a Turk, “Before the Rambouillet meeting there was a bigger hope for peace, start of withdrawal of the Armenian forces from the seized territories and return of the Azeri displaced persons to their homes in mid 2006 or early 2007. Now this hope is vague while the mediators announced of their intention to stop activities for some period”.

From an ICG report, 11 October 2005, “…Key elements of that proposed settlement package include the withdrawal of the Armenia-backed Nagorno-Karabakh forces from the occupied districts of Azerbaijan surrounding the entity; the renunciation by Azerbaijan of the use of force to reintegrate the entity (Wow, what a smart bargain for Armenia! H.); the deployment of international peacekeepers; the return of displaced persons; and the re-opening of trade and communication links. Nagorno-Karabakh's status should ultimately be determined by an internationally sanctioned referendum with the exclusive participation of Karabakh Armenians and Azeris, but only after the above measures have been implemented. Until then Nagorno-Karabakh would remain part of Azerbaijan (Why? Already a generation has grown up in a de facto independent Artsakh; can you convince them to give up their freedom for “Azeri” genocidal oppression? H.), though in practical terms it would be self-governing and enjoy an internationally acknowledged interim status.”

Compare this with “Azeri” Defense Minister Safar Abiev’s whimpering, “If Armenia wants to attain mutual confidence, it must withdraw its troops from the occupied Azeri lands, refugees must be allowed to go back to their homes, infrastructure of the occupied territories must be restored. This conflict must be resolved within Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity”. No Comment needed.

So who are behind this bunch of nosey nichtsnutzes?

Registered in the US but operating from Brussels, this blatantly pro-Turkish “NGO” was founded in 1995 by a staunch defender of Turkey’s accession to EU membership Morton Abramowitz (Abramovich), who among other posts had the honor to be the US ambassador to Turkey in the period 1989-1991 and the first President of ICG. Allegedly created to help prevent and solve conflicts in the world, this subversive organization has offices in Washington, New York, Moscow and London. Among the financers of this supposedly non-governmental nonentity, apart from western governments from North America and Europe, we see, surprise-surprise: Turkish foreign ministry. Naturally, the billionaire George Soros (Schwartz), ever present in stirring up “colorful” revolutions in former Soviet “republics”, also greatly helps this group.

Among the co-founders are former US Senator George Mitchell, involved in a scandal regarding privatization of Azeri State Oil Company and the scoundrel Stephen J. Solarz who received US$ 400,000 from Turkey for lobbying in the US lawmakers’ environment to defend the Turkish interests. He acts as vice chairman of the gang and has a house in Turkey too. Board Member Uta Zapf is a German MP, who among other activities is the president of German-Turkish Parliamentarians Group. Not surprisingly, she too is an ardent fighter for the EU membership of Turkey. The Turkophile Emma Bonino could not be absent from this illustrious mob either. Her website has a separate section dedicated to Turchia as well, with a splendid photo of her surrounded by a huge Turkish flag on the left and that of EU on the right side of her head, serving as the glorious banner of the page.

Other ICG members are: the Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk whose Interpipe also operates in “Azerbaijan” since 2000. Kenneth Adelman, member of American Committee for Peace in Chechnya; Wesley Clark, Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander; and Zbigniew Brzezinski, among numerous other occupations also a board member of the United States-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (USACC).

It still gets better; among other Turk oriented members of ICG, two come from Independent Commission on Turkey (promoting its membership in the EU): Martti Ahtisaari (chairman) and Bronislaw Geremek. From an article by these douche bags “Turkey in Europe: More than a promise?” on page 10 we read:

“Turks entered Anatolia in the eleventh century and gradually established the Ottoman Empire, leading to the conquest of Constantinople in 1453. They became heirs (since when stealing means inheriting? H.) not only to Byzantine and the Eastern Roman Empire, but also to a rich Greco-Latin and Judeo-Christian culture in Anatolia. (Where does the “Judeo” come from? H.) Names such as the ‘father of history’, Herodotus of Halicarnass; Aesop, who inspired La Fontaine’s fables; Lucullus, the patron of gourmets; Saint Nicholas, bishop of Myra and ancestor of our Father Christmas; and Croesus, who became the richest man of his time, are connected with this region, as are places like Troy, Pergamon, Ephesus, and Mount Ararat (stolen in 1921. H.) where Noah’s Ark came to rest. Saint Peter preached to the first Christian community in Antioch. Tarsus was the birth place of Saint Paul, who made his first missionary journey to Anatolia, extending Christianity beyond the limits of Judaism and thereby laying the foundations of a worldwide religion. All this reminds us that the region which today is the heart of Turkey was one of the cradles of European civilisation.” (All emphases are mine. H.)

We could surmise from the undertone of this eloquent pile of puke since Saint Nicholas, distorted into Santa Clause, hails from Turkey before Turks entered Anatolia, man-eating fiends from Tugril and Alp Arslan to Chingiz and Timur, from Osman and Orkhan to Selims, Abdulhamids, Talats and Kemals of this world were just Ural-Altaic personifications of Father Christmas who were doing nothing but delivering candies and presents, wherever their hoofs trampled, to the civilized indigenous nations. The misunderstanding emerged only through cultural discrepancies where Turkish candies were more or less scimitar shaped and unlike sweets, the means of their consumption was not through melting in the mouth rather caressing the neck that unintentionally chopped off the heads of the beneficiaries.

Talking of Father Christmas… I do not believe this Turkophile bunch could have the slightest idea about the Armenian king Trdat’s (Tiridates I) journey to Rome in 66 AD to be crowned by Nero, where he refuses to worship the Roman gods and introduces the Iranian cult of Mithraism instead. Christmas, along with most of Christianity’s symbolism: the Aryan (Iranian) cypress (replaced by the pine), pope’s miter, the virgin Birth, the concept of the savior Messiah (Saoshyants), the halo around Christ’s head alluding to his being God (Mithra, the Sun), is the remnant of Mithraism. It is celebrated on December 25th of every year, i.e. around the winter solstice which is the birthday of Mithra (Mitra, Mehr, Mher, the Sun) in most Christian countries but not in Armenia itself where it is held on January the 6th, the same day as the Epiphany, so chosen from ancient times to convince the people to give up their pre-Christian customs.

Besides the fact that this fervent eulogy, marveling at the immense feats of the Turks and their contribution to European civilization, even though admitted by the full of awe (or awful) eulogizers themselves the events and personalities presented here all pertain to eons preceding the epoch “Turks entered Anatolia in the eleventh century”, fails to elucidate the hypothetical inquirer what happened to all those Christians who laid the “foundations of [this] worldwide religion”, it sickeningly disregards one of the most significant elements of that cradle of civilization.

Not a word! Not a single word about Armenia, the entire eastern half of Turkey, the Garden of Eden where the Judeo-Christian god created Adam and where he saved humanity from the flood. Not a word about Armenians, the first Christian nation in the world, the first defenders of Christianity in the first war for freedom of speech in 451 when, led by Vartan Mamikonian, they rebelled against the Sassanid king of kings Yazdgerd II who had ordered the Armenians and Aghvans to give up Christianity and worship the fire of Mughan.

Not a word about the largest Christian population of the Ottoman Tyranny and the builders of the same. Yet this paragraph wants to convince us that Herodotus, Aesop, Lucullus, Saint Nicholas, Croesus, Saint Paul and what not were Turks and Turks were the founders of the European civilization who built the Ephesus, millennia before the hordes of primitive, nomadic, cattle-herder, tent-dwelling, cities to cinders razing, churches to rubble reducing, all destroying Turks set their paws in the region…

Figure 23

Armenia, the birthplace of humanity and where humanity was saved from the flood, from a Gospel published in 1634 in London (of all places!)

For the curious: the 51 page PDF format article does mention the term Armenia once: On page 21, under the misleading heading “Turkey has achieved more reform in just over two years than in the whole of the previous decade”, the Turk friendly authors reluctantly let out the word in a context of denial of the Armenia Genocide:

“Turkey’s rapprochement to the EU should have beneficial effects on relationships with other neighbouring states. In particular with regard to Armenia, it is to be hoped that the opening of borders and an improvement in bilateral relations (there are no relations when Turkey has imposed a blockade on Armenia which amounts to an act of war. H.) may become possible, including Turkey’s recognition of the tragic events of the past in the spirit of European reconciliation.

To put the lid on this reeking trashcan let us consider the view of a Serb. According to Dejan Lučić, “Important Rothschild companies in this region are Carlyle Group and the International Crisis Group which, led by Soros, [have] been campaigning for independent Kosovo for years. In addition to Soros, the group is financed by Rupert Murdoch (Sky), Goldman Sacks, JP Morgan... Members of this group are or were Marti Ahtisari, James Lion, Morton Abramovich, Louise Arbour, Bzezinski, Wesley Clark, Mihail Hodorkovski, Thorvald Stoltenberg... The staff [has] changed, but not the anti-Serb policy”.

This brings us to yet another case of applying double standards where Armenians are concerned. I do not support the comparison between Artsakh and other superficially similar conflicts, but since the “Karabakh-Kosovo” analogy appears more often than not, it is not irrelevant to our subject to examine this a bit deeper.


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